The Minotaur is a mythical creature in Greek Mythology with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man. He is said to have lived at the center of the Labyrinth in Crete.

Legends state that the Minotaur came into being when the Queen of Crete fell in love with a white bull and conceived a monstrous half-man, half-bull child. The Minotaur took its name from King Minos of Crete who banished him to the Labyrinth.

So what inspired this monstrous creature?

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. In 1899, Sir Arthur Evans – a British Archeologist – discovered the palace of Knossos on the island of Crete. He determined based on what he found that this place had belonged to King Minos from the legends.

The most revealing things he found in the palace were frescos depicting taurokathapsia or the act of jumping over a bull by holding its horns. This act was done most likely as a ceremonial rite. There is evidence both men and women participated in the rite. Some researchers believe it was a way of worshipping the bull.

Also found in the Knossos palace was a series of rooms and buildings constructed with a maze-like floorplan.

Evans went on to name the people who lived in this place the Minoans – solidifying the connection between the legend of the Minotaur to the discoveries in this palace.

Some scholars debate whether Minos refers to the ruler or is the same King Minos from the Minotaur legend. No one is certain King Minos even existed and there is no concrete evidence that he resided in Knossos. However, there is possibility that there was a king named Minos where taurokathapsia was popular.

Whatever the case, the ruins hold many mysteries. Almost as many as the legend of the Minotaur.


Black, J. (2021, March 12). Myth of the minotaur: The making of a monster. Ancient Origins Reconstructing the story of humanity’s past.

Gregory, T. (2023, August 9). The minotaur myth: A tragic tale. History Cooperative.

Mann, Z. (2023, August 24). Was the minotaur real?. TheCollector.

What is the minotaur?. TheCollector. (2023, August 24).