The Aqrabuamelu

The Aqrabuamelu are creatures with the torso of a man and body, legs, and stinger of a scorpion. These hybrid monsters had huge arching tails ending in stingers filled with deadly venom. Legends tell of their proficiency for archery, stating every arrow shot was fatal. The Mesopotamians believed these creatures to be guardians to the gates of heavens.

These creatures are said to have first been created by Tiamat in order to wage war on the other gods for the murder of her mate Apsu. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, they stand entrance to the mountains of Mashu and the land of darkness.

So what inspired this strange creature?

The origin of this chimeric creature has been debated greatly over time. There are several theories as to what the “Scorpion Men” mean.

Some historians see the combination of the human man with the creature represents the duality of human nature. The creature has the body of a human, representing the rational and civilized aspect of humanity. The tail represents the wild and untamed aspect of humanity.

Others believe that Aqrabuamelu may have been based on a real creature that was found in the region. One animal that could have inspired this creature could be a giant eurypterid.

Eurypterids- often informally called sea scorpions – are an extinct groups of arthropods that lived over 460 million years ago. There are around 250 species of Eurypterids with the largest reaching up to 2.5 meters in length.

Eurypterids have segmented bodies and jointed appendages covered in chitin. The creatures have six pairs of appendages around the face as well as a large telson. While the telson looks like scorpion’s stinger, the telson is the last segment of an arthropod’s body and is often modified for swimming.

These creatures often lived in brackish water and are not true scorpions. They could go out onto land for short periods of time, but would need to return to the water to survive.

Eurypterid fossils are mostly found in North America and Europe but have been found on every continent, including Western Asia and Northern Africa, where the myths originate.

However these strange creatures originated, the stories of Scorpion Men have endured and are now seen in popular movies and played by Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson.


Aqrabuamelu – the mysterious scorpion men of Babylon. (2023, March 24). MRU. Retrieved August 27, 2023, from

Braddy, Simon J.; Dunlop, Jason A. (1997). “The functional morphology of mating in the Silurian eurypterid, Baltoeurypterus tetragonophthalmus (Fischer, 1839)”. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society120 (4): 435–461. 

Lloyd, E. (2023, July 22). Aqrabuamelu – Mysterious Scorpion men in babylonian mythology. Ancient Pages.

Mesibov, Robert. “Tail”. External Anatomy of Polydesmida. Retrieved 4 November 2013.

O. Erik Tetlie (2007). “Distribution and dispersal history of Eurypterida (Chelicerata)” (PDF). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology252 (3–4): 557–574.


The catoblepas is a legendary creature from Ethiopia. It is described as a mix of a cow, warthog, and hippopotamus that lived in swamps and wastelands. Its name means “to look downwards” due to its head always looking down. Its stare or breath could turn people to stone. It is often called the African version of the Gorgon.

This monstrous creature was considered terrifying with a large body of a bovine, sitting atop squat legs and a long neck with a head that resembled a warthog. The catoblepas possessed a scent that reeked of death and famine, not unlike the swamp gas that filled the environment they lived.

The catoblepas possessed intelligence, grazing on grass and occasionally carrion. It was said that when the full moon shone, they ventured out to hunt for fresh meat.

So what inspired this monster?

The gnu – more commonly called wildebeest – is a group of large African antelopes. The name Wildebeest originate from Dutch meaning “wild beast.” The term “gnu” comes from the Khosian language. The terms are used interchangeably.

The gnu is a keystone species in the plain and acacia savanna ecosystems in southeastern Africa. There are several physical similarities between the gnu and the catoblepas. The gnu has a robust bovine body and a long warthog-esque face. The long face on a long neck as well as the hooded eyes gives the impression the creature is looking down.

Gnus live in a wide variety of habitats, thriving in open plains and temperate grasslands. Some species of gnus are nomadic and migrate in large herds from Tanzania to Kenya. This Great Migration seems to coincide with the changing seasons. They move to where water and food is abundant.

If you travel to Africa, you can watch the Great Migration through the Serengeti between the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania to the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya. Though you may not run into a catoblepas, you will see hundreds of thousands of those that inspired the legend.


Bell, J. (2014, August 30). The GNU. A Step Ahead. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Catoblepas. Forgotten Realms Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). GNU. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Glatz, K. (2022, September 21). GNU vs Wildebeest: Is there a difference? AZ Animals. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Ham, A., Persson, B., Olum, J., & Ogutu, J. (2019). The Great Wildebeest Migration. Horizon Guide, 1–69.

McGowen, T. (1981). Encyclopedia of Legendary Creatures. Rand McNally. p. 28.

Ao Ao

Ao Ao is a monstrous creature from South American mythology – primarily Paraguay. He is said to be one of the cursed sons of the gods Tau and Kerana. He appears as a voracious sheep-like creature with large fangs and an appetite exclusively for humans.

Ao Ao is a fearsome beast. If chased by him, the only escape is climbing a palm tree – sacred in the area. If you climb any other type of tree, Ao Ao will circle the tree, howing incessantly, and dig up or knock it down. His name comes from his howl – sounding like “Ao-Ao-Ao”

So what inspired this strange beast?

The Chacoan peccary is an endangered species of peccary. A peccary is a medium-sized pig like mammal found throughout Central America, South America, and in the Caribbean.

The Chacoan peccary is the largest species of these animal, weighing over 85 lbs (40 kg). They are also the rarest species, living only in the dry Chacoan region of South America ( Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentia). Only 3,000 remain in the world.

The Chacoan peccary was first described in 1930 based on the fossil record and was thought to be extinct. In 1971, the animal was discovered alive in Argentina. The species was well known to the local population, but took a while for the Western scientists to acknowledge its existance.

The Chacoan peccary has many pig-like features. It had hooved feet and a well defined, leathery snought. The bristle-like hair is brown to gray. These animals often travel in herds of 20 individuals. They are active in the day, especially the morning.

Peccaries are social mammals communicating by various sounds, ranging from grunts to chatters to calls. Though some inidivuals can exhibit aggressive behavior, they will not attack unless threatened.

Chacoan peccaries are herbiverous and eat the tough vegitation found in the Gran Chaco region. They graze on cacti, roots, and pods. The large teeth found inside the animals mouth help pull off spines and chew the rough foliage.

The story of Ao Ao has been around for a long time used by Paraguayan adults to scare their children. Historians believe it was inspired by the Chacoan peccaries that also lived in the area. The story lives on, but now the peccaries are considered endangered by the IUCN. The herds are decreasing as a result of habitat loss.

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums has a species survival plan for the peccary. They help manage the breeding and transfer of the species within accredited insitution to keep it from extinction. It is only found in the Gran Chaco region of South America.

To support the Chacoan peccary, consider supporting the World Land Trust.


Ao Ao. Myths and Folklore Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Chacoan Peccary. San Francisco Zoo & Gardens. (2021, October 16). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Peccary. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Farrows. (2022, October 19). Chacoan Peccary. World Land Trust. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Paraguayan Mythology. Para La Tierra. (2019, September 25). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Yale or Centicore

The Yale, also known as a centicore, is a creature often found in medieval European mythology and heraldry. The Yale is described as a large, goat-like beast with long horns capable of swiveling to any point it chooses. It would even fold the forms up when not in use. It is also said to have a long tail.

The first descriptions of the Yale were written by Pliny in Natural History. He described the Eale as a creature found in Ethiopia. He described: “it is the size of the river-horse, has the tail of the elephant, and is of a black or tawny colour. It has also the jaws of the wild boar, and horns that are moveable, and more than a cubit in length, so that, in fighting, it can employ them alternately, and vary their position by presenting them directly or obliquely, according as necessity may dictate.”

So what inspired this horned creature?

The name Yale is believed to be derived from the Hebrew word יָעֵל (Yael), meaning “mountain goat” or “ibex.”

An ibex is a wild goat, distinguished by the male’s large recurved horns. They are found in Eurasia, North Africa, and East Africa. The animals can grow over 1 m tall and weigh up to 120 kg. They live around 20 years.

The walia ibex is an endangered species of ibex, living in the mountains of Ethiopia. These animals live in herds ranging from 5 to 20 animals. Older mature males are more solitary, though they return to the herds for breeding purposes.

The herds live in very steep, rocky cliff areas between 2,500 and 4,500 m high. Their diet includes bushes, herbs, lichens, shrubs, and grasses. They can often be seen standing on their hind legs to get young shoots of trees.

Like many other animals that have inspired mythological creatures, the walia ibex is endangered. Its population has been severally reduced due to habitat loss, poaching, and restricted range. Only around 500 individuals survived in Ethiopia in 2004.

While the Walia Ibex is struggling to survive, the myth they inspired is still going strong. The yale has been used in European heraldry for centuries. The yale represents characteristics of bravery in action and peace. Its image has been used by England’s House of Beaufort (Margaret Beaufort was the mother of King Henry VII, first Tudor of England).

Today the image of the Yale can be found in coat of arms on and around the campus of Yale University. While their official mascot is a bulldog named Handsome Dan, the mythical beast represents intellectual curiosity and inquiry and is carried during commencement.


Amin, Nathen. “The Wars of the Roses: York v Beaufort?”, History Extra, The official website for BBC History Magazine and BBC World Histories Magazine. Accessed 25 October 2018.

Carol Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, Legend, and Myth, (2000) New York City: W.W. Norton.

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). IBEX. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from (n.d.). Walia Ibex. Walia ibex. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Themonsterblogofmonsters. (2014, March 11). The monster blog of monsters. Tumblr. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Yale. Monster Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from


The crocotta is a mystical dog-wolf that originated in India and Africa. The crocotta is said to have the body of an extremely large dog, cloven hooves, a horse-like mane, and a tale of a lion. Its fur is orange and with spots or stripes. it is sometimes depicted with large teeth used to crush bones.

Legends of the crocotta can be traced back to the early Roman Empire. Pliny wrote in his Natural History of a combination of dog and wolf and lion. He called it: “the swiftest of all beasts, about the size of an ass, with a stag’s haunches, a lion’s neck, tail and breast, badger’s head, cloven hoof, mouth opening right back to the ears, and ridges of bone in place of rows of teeth—this animal is reported to imitate the voices of human beings.”

The crocotta is said to dwell in the rainforests of India and parts of Africa – specifically Ethiopia. It is believed to hunt humans and dogs. Some stories state it can change color at will to more easily blend into its surroundings and ambush prey. According to stories, the crocotta is sexless and is able to switch between the sexes at will.

The crocotta is considered an intelligent being that can mimic the wails of a dog or a human. It has been said to call out the names of people who wandered into the forest by themselves in order to ambush them.

So what inspired this fearsome beast?

The spotted hyena is believed to have inspired the frightening crocotta. These animals live in North – Northeast Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, all the way into Siberia. These animals would have lived where the stories originated. There are physical similarities between the descriptions of the mythical creature and this animal as well.

Hyenas have powerful teeth and jaw and can digest a wide range of food. They are well-known scavengers, even digging up human remains. Spotted hyenas are also known for their laughing vocalizations that are eerily human.

Local folklore states hyenas are able to switch sex, like the crocotta. While modern science has identified more than 65,000 known cross-sexual species, the hyena is not one. The origin of this story likely comes from the female spotted hyena’s unconventional genitalia. The female’s clitoris extends eight inches and is shaped and positioned like a penis. The female spotted hyena also has no external vaginal opening future confusing those looking at the animal.

This sexual mimicry does not end with physical similarities. Hyena clans are strictly matriarchial, with dominance passing down through female cubs. Adult males are even left to eat last.

Many large carnivores, including lions, have a patriarchal structure. It isn’t hard to hypothesize that those observing these animals would assume these animals followed the same structure.

It is largely believed by researchers that hyenas of different types inspired the myth of the crocotta. The belief is so strong that the spotted hyena has even taken on the myth as the binomial name. It is called the Crocuta crocuta – literally meaning “wild animal of Ethiopia.”


Bradford, A. (2016, June 10). Facts about hyenas. LiveScience. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from,to%20the%20National%20Wildlife%20Foundation.

Cooke, L. (2019, May 29). Everything you know about hyenas is wrong – these animals are fierce, social and incredibly smart. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Crocotta. Cryptid Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

Funk, Holger (2010). Hyaena: On the Naming and Localisation of an Enigmatic Animal. GRIN Verlag. pp. 52–54.

Richard. (2022, December 31). What is the Crocotta? Indian Mythology Beast. Mythology Planet. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from

San Diego Zoo Global Library staff. (n.d.). Libguides: Spotted Hyena (crocuta crocuta) fact sheet: Taxonomy & history. Taxonomy & History – Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) Fact Sheet – LibGuides at International Environment Library Consortium. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from,the%20yellow%20color%20of%20saffron

The Chinese Lung

The Chinese dragon or Lung is a legendary creature from Chinese mythology. The most common depiction of these creatures is snake-like with four legs. They traditionally symbolize auspicious powers, particularly over water. The dragon is considered a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people in East Asian culture.

Dragons have been used in ancient Chinese culture since the Xinglongwa culture (6200–5400 BC). It represented the evolution of the ancestors and qi energy. Historically, the Chinese dragon was associated with the Emperor of China and was used as a symbol of imperial power. During the Tang dynasty, Emperors wore robes with the dragon motif. In the Yuan dynasty, the dragon was reserved for the Emperor only. The dragon appeared on the first Chinese national flag during the Qing dynasty.

So what inspired this brilliant creature?

From its origin as totems, the Chinese dragon evolved into a mythical creature. The Han dynasty scholar Wang Fu laid down a full description of the beast:

“People paint the dragon’s shape with a horse’s head and a snake’s tail. Further, there are expressions as ‘three joints’ and ‘nine resemblances’, … They are the following: his antlers resemble those of a stag, his head that of a camel, his eyes those of a demon, his neck that of a snake, his belly that of a clam, his scales those of a carp, his claws those of an eagle, his soles those of a tiger, his ears those of a cow…”

Many historians have determined two possible origins for the Chinese lung.

Dinosaur found in China’s Shandong Province in 2010.

As with many creatures, this myth may have been inspired by finding dinosaur bones throughout the Asian continent. Ancient Chinese documented finding dinosaur bones as far back as 300 BC in the Sichuan Province. These fossils were called dragons and used in traditional medicines.

Today the modern Chinese term for dinosaur is written as 恐龍; 恐龙; kǒnglóng, meaning terror dragon.

While there is a case to be made for dinosaur bones, some historians believe that it perpetuated the myth. The stories and iconography of dragons have been around for much longer than the records identifying bones in the area. While this does not refute the idea, it may lend credence to an alternative hypothesis.

The Chinese Alligator has been a part of Chinese literature since the third century. In the late 1200s, Marco Polo became the first person outside China to write about the animal. In some such writings, the alligator was associated with the Chinese Lung.

Chinese Alligators or the muddy dragon is a crocodilian endemic to China, still alive today. This animal is related to the American Alligator found in the southern United States.

The Chinese Alligator is often dark gray or black with a fully armored body. It can grow up to 1.5 – 2 m and weigh up to 45 kg. The species is an opportunistic feeder, primarily eating fish and invertebrates. It is considered a vocal species, adults bellowing during mating season and young making noise to communicate to those around them. These alligators can live up to 75 years.

Today the Chinese Alligator lives in fresh water and is restricted to six regions in the province of Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang. Historically the animal lived across China and possibly even in Japan. However beginning in 5000 B.C., multiple threats such as habitat destruction caused the population to decline.

In the 1970s, the wild population was around 1000. By 2000, it had dropped to 130 animals. The alligator was listed as critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. In 2017, the population had grown to around 300.

The Chinese Lung has appeared in Chinese iconography for centuries and can still be seen today. While it is up for debate what inspired this myth, we can agree that the myth is enduring.

And if you would like to save the dragons, consider making a donation to the IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group to help the critically endangered Chinese Alligators.


Dinosaur Fossil Unearthed in China. (2013, August 30). Deccan Herald. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Drake, E. (n.d.). Asian lung species. Dragonology Wiki. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Ingersoll, Ernest; et al. (2013). The Illustrated Book of Dragons and Dragon Lore. Chiang Mai: Cognoscenti Books.

IUCNCSG. (n.d.). Chinese Alligator. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Kang, A. (n.d.). Wildlife Chinese alligator. WCS China. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Mana, D. (2013, August 28). Dragon Bones. Karavansara. Retrieved September 22, 2022, from

Meccarelli, Marco (2021). “Discovering the Long: Current Theories and Trends in Research on the Chinese Dragon”. Frontiers of History in China. 16 (1): 123–142.

The Banshee

A banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening. Her name is connected to the burial mounds found across the Irish countryside.

The banshee is sometimes described as having long, streaming hair and wearing a grey cloak over a green dress. Her eyes tend to be red from continual weeping. She has a ghastly complexion. Sometimes the banshee assumes the form of some sweet virgin who died young. She was granted the power to foretell the death of her kin. Other times she is seen as a shrouded elderly woman, crouched beneath the trees. According to legend, if she was spotted, she would vanish into the dark with a noise similar to a flap of bird wings.

The word banshee comes from the Old Irish phrase “ben síde” meaning woman of the fairy mound. The fairy mounds known as the síde are the raised burial mounds where these spirits are supposed to originate. But what inspired these wailing women?

First accounts of the creature date back to the 1380s. She was seen as a predictor of death and would often appear before someone entered a situation where it was unlikely they would survive. Tales were told of battles being abandoned after hearing the wailing in the woods. As fleeing soldiers were killed by enemies or for desertion the legend of the banshee grew.

Some historians believe the legend of the banshee grew from the mourning tradition of the keening. The keening was a vocal ritual artform, performed at the wake or graveside in mourning of the dead. Keens were said to have contained raw unearthly emotion, spontaneous words, repeated motifs, crying, and elements of a song. Some women were so talented at the art form that they were paid to attend the funeral rites. These women were generally experienced and elderly sent to help the deceased soul leave the body. You can learn more about keening here.

Other historians believe that the story of the banshee was inspired and perpetuated by the Barn Owls found throughout Ireland. The Barn Owl (Tyto alba) is native to Ireland and is rarely seen as a nocturnal hunter. The animal has a ghostly white facial disk, front-facing black eyes, and is known for its silent flight.

Like other nocturnal animals, it has excellent night vision. Owls with dark brown or black eyes are night hunters. These dark eyes help them blend into the darkness rather than help them see in the dark. Unlike mammals (such as bears), owls lack a tapetum lucidum, which enhances the amount of light absorbed by the photoreceptors in their eyes. Still, when light catches their eyes glow dark orange or red.

Barn owls are known for their cry which sounds like a woman screaming. Play the video below to hear their call.

Barn owls used to be common across Ireland, but populations in recent decades have declined. Its home range is now restricted to the Southwest and Midlands. The populace has declined by over 50% in the past 25 years with around 450 breeding pairs. The main driver of population decline is the loss of habitat in favor of agriculture. The use of pesticides is also a major concern as it can affect the animals the birds prey on.

Like with most things, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. The inspiration for the Banshee probably came from the Keening woman and then was perpetuated by Barn Owl sitings. The myth took on traits from both origins to become the portent of death we know today.


Bartlett, Thomas. A Military History of Ireland. p.37

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Briggs, Katharine (1976). An Encyclopedia of Fairies. Pantheon Books. pp. 14–16.

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T., Koch, John (1 January 2006). Celtic culture: a historical encyclopedia. ABC CLIO. p. 189.

Dire Wolf

A dire wolf is a large wolf, usually portrayed as a larger, more intelligent, and more vicious version of a regular wolf. Dire wolves are typically depicted as black or dark grey. Some stories say that dire wolves are wolves that have been brought back from the grave to hunt.

In some stories, Dire wolves are macabre parodies of living wolves. They are similar to Hell Hounds with tattered flesh clinging to crackling bones, preying on farms and villages. But what inspired these incredible beasts?

In Norse mythology, Fenrir was a giant wolf bound by Odin. He was destined to grow too large for his chains and kill his captor. When Fenrir grew large enough that his jaws could cover the expanse between the heavens and earth, Fenrir was killed. Some stories claim that Fenrir was a dire wolf.

Somewhere in Southwestern North America during the late Pleistocene, a pack of dire wolves are feeding on their bison kill, while a pair of grey wolves approach in the hopes of scavenging.

Turns out, you don’t have to look far. Dire wolves are creatures that actually existed a long time ago. Since their discovery in 1854, many have placed the dire wolf in a grossly over-exaggerated category of monstrous saber-toothed, green eyed demons. However, these animals were not far from the wolves we know today.

Canis diris – meaning fearsome dog roamed North and South America during the late Pleistocene (approx. 40,000 – 10,000 years ago). The average dire wolf appears to have been roughly the same height as a modern gray wolf, but was stockier and had larger teeth. On average, a dire wolf would weigh around 70 lbs more.

Based on the musculature, researchers have calculated that the bite force of a dire wolf would have 128% more powerful than a modern wolf. The braincase is smaller meaning the wolf would have been less intelligent than their relatives.

The domestication of a real dire wolf 15,000 years ago was likely impossible. Modern wolves prove to be largely shy, unpredictable and aggressive despite attempts at domestication. The smaller-brained dire wolf, if it was anything like its modern counterparts, would not have responded well to human training, would have been extremely dangerous

The real dire wolves became extinct about 10,000 years ago, along with most other North American megafauna. One theory links their extinction to the demise of the large, slow prey animals such as mastodons or giant sloths at the end of the Pleistocene. The faster modern gray wolf was able to survive hunting the faster animals.

More than 4,000 dire wolves have been excavated from the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. Dire wolves have always been an iconic representation of the last Ice Age and have inspired the myths that populate many fantasies including A Song of Ice and Fire and Warhammer.


Dire wolf mythology. Dire Wolf Mythology | Dire Wolf Project. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2022, from,creature%20that%20ruled%20prehistoric%20history.

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Wolpert, S. (2021, January 13). The dire wolf was a distinct species, different from the gray wolf, biologists discover. UCLA. Retrieved June 22, 2022, from,have%20survived%20until%20this%20day.

The Bauk

The Bauk is a creature from Serbian mythology. It is said to hide in dark places, holes, or abandoned houses, waiting to grab, and devour its victim. Legend says that the Bauk is easily scared by lights and noises.

The appearance of the Bauk is not well known, due to the face that it hides in the darkest and most secluded of places. However, stories say it can be identified though the sounds of fingernails against wood.

So what inspired this menacing creature?

The name “Bauk” comes from the anomatopeaia BAU! The word “Bau” is the Serbian work used to scare someone, similar to the English “boo.”

Stories say that Bauk is a stealthy stalker with glowing eyes. It is easily scared by noise and lights. The story is often used to scare disobedient and restless kids.

Considering the Bauk’s habits and known attributes, most historians believe the creature was most likely inspired by the cultural memory of bears. Brown Bears once existed in Serbia but went extinct for a significant amount of time and were mostly only known by legends.

The story of the Bauk is an exaggeration for the animals that disappeared from the region as told by people who had never seen the animal before.

Aside from the large body and sharp claws, the Bauk is also said to have glowing eyes. Like most animals with night vision, bears have an tapetum lucidum. This is the structure in the eyes that allows for better vision in the dark. It is also the structure that “glows” when you shine light on them.

Bears eyes take on a bright yellow glow when exposed to light in the dark. This could explain the “glowing eyes” that were sometimes reported.

The Bauk is a strange creature. Some people say that it has been used to describe any boogeyman-like creature in Serbian mythology. Most theories however, point to the creature being a bear. Wherever it came from, this is an interesting story.


Bauk. Cryptid Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2022, from

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Mentzer, A. P. (2019, November 22). What animals have a tapetum lucidum? Sciencing. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from

The Ziphius

In Medieval folklore, the Ziphius was a monstrous nautical creature said to attack ships in the northern seas. It possessed the body of the fish and the face of an owl, complete with large eyes and a beak. It is said to be able to cleave the hull of a ship like a blade.

This creature sounds terrifying, but what could have inspired it?

In the 16th Century, Swedish writer Olaus Magnus illustrated the animal on his Carta Marina and described the Ziphius as:

“Because this Beast is conversant in the Northern Waters, it is deservedly to be joined with other monstrous Creatures. The Sword-fish is like no other but in something, it is like a Whale. He hath as ugly a head as an Owl: His mouth is wondrous deep, as a vast pit, whereby he terrifies and drives away those that look into it. His Eyes are horrible, his Back Wedge-fashion, or elevated like a sword; his Snout is pointed. These often enter upon the Northern Coasts, as Thieves, and hurtful Guests that are always doing mischief to ships they meet, by boaring [sic] holes in them, and sinking them.”

To Magnus, mythical creatures were just as real as the familiar land animals. He included an assortment on his maps, furthering their stories and instilling fear in sailors.

The name Ziphius gets its name from the Greek word xiphias meaning sword. The creature was named for the large dorsal fin seen on the back of the creature, and its “ability to cut ships in two and sink them.”

But what is behind these stories?

Historians tend to believe that what Magnus and others saw in the ocean were Cuvier’s Beaked Whales. They are found in oceans worldwide and can reach up to 7 m long and weigh up to 3 tons!

The head is long and slopes into the body with an upturned jaw that makes it appear to be smiling. Beaked whales are often seen with linear scratches and oval scars. These are thought to be caused by the sharks and parasitic lampreys that attach to the animal.

As they grow older, the face develops a whitish coloration with dark-colored patches around the eyes. This happens especially in males.

Cuvier’s Beaked Whales rarely breach. As they swim, their head and body will roll high out of the water.  preparing for a deep, vertical dive, they may arch their back more than normal and usually display their flukes. 

Cuvier’s beaked whales are capable of diving up to at least 3,300 feet for 20 to 40 minutes to opportunistically feed on mostly cephalopods and sometimes fish and crustaceans. The deepest known dive for a Cuvier’s beaked whale was almost 3000 m and the longest known dive lasted 222 minutes!

Today these animals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. While their population is stable, their main threats are ocean pollution. They have been found with plastic in their bodies. They have also become entangled in fishing gear in the Caribbean and near Indonesia.

This species is also sensitive to underwater sounds and anthropogenic noise. Strandings of this species in the Bahamas, Canary Islands, and in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas have been associated with active naval sonar. These deep-diving animals become confused and are no longer able to feed, communicate, or navigate in the ocean.

The Cuvier’s Beaked Whale is most likely what inspired the myth of the Ziphius, with its pale face and dark eye patches. This would invoke the imagery of owls across Europe with their white facial disks and dark eyes. Their deep-diving habits make them rare sites for humans, especially during the early days of exploration.

The link between the Ziphius and Cuvier’s Beaked Whale is so established that the scientific name of the whale is Ziphius cavirostris.


Grzimek, Bernhard (2003). Hutchins, Michael; Kleiman, Devra G.; Geist, Valerius; et al. (eds.). Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia, Vol 15, Mammals IV (2nd ed.). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

“Cuvier’s Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris)”. NOAA. 15 January 2015.,and%20a%20wedge%2Dshaped%20beak.